Monday, May 17, 2010
We are meant to live for so much more !
We are meant to live for so much more !
We are meant to live for so much more …….
We are meant to utilize our time so much better….
We are meant to capitalize on our potentials….
We are meant to find out what we are good at…..
We are meant to hear that Inner Calling…….
We are ought to do justice to our talents…
We are ought to help those in need….
We ought to have faith in ourselves to work towards our goal…..
We ought to have the courage and perseverance to confront the obstacles in our path…..
We need to believe that “ Yes , I can Do It ! ”
We need to find time to stand and stare……..
We need to find time to love and be loved……
We need to find time to read and read and read…….
We are meant to achieve so much more….
We are meant to give so much more…..
We are meant to love so much more……
We are born to live so much more…..
We are born to live so much more…..
Gagan , Hyderabad , 2057 hours IST…………………. fine night.....
One night………
Night comes and goes every…….night…..
The twinkling stars …..the cool breeze…..
The moon in a different shape each night…..
Neon’s glowing…liquor flowing….parties throwing….
People dancing and dining….singing and driving ….
I was travelling one night……….
On my bike without a light………
It was dark ….beyond compare…..
With the wind blowing through my hair…..
I was speeding across highways …and roads went by….
I was on the road and moving across…….
As one city after another passed by…..
I stopped by to look at the stars….
And leaned down on my bike ….staring above….
Contemplating over things like friendships and love…..
I took out some coffee and cookies I had brought….
I had my own world under the moon……
Mom , I am coming home soon……I thought…..
I sat on my bike and moved ahead…..
Thinking of the journey that lay ahead…..
I saw the sky had a brighter tinge…..
Dawn is not far ,,, I said to myself…..
The air was fresh…..and fragrant…..
And the sun would soon be there to welcome me…..
I am a new kid on the block …. I said to myself……
I have bigger destinations to reach…………
I have passes to pass and bridges to cross as I took a turn…..
I saw milkmen and cows and …..also birds flying across……
The sky turned brighter now ….and up was coming the sun there for me….
My heart was happy to see the sun rise……..
It was a beautiful spectacle…..a treat for the eyes…..
I turned on the accelerator….and off I went ……
I am going far away from home……
I am going up the hills…….
Gagan , Hyderabad , 0444 hrs , Sunday April 11, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
.....Happiness is a strange things.......
Happiness is a strange thing……
We all go for it , bet few actually feel it…..
We all run after it….
We all have our own notions about it….
Sometimes we all feel happy….we dunno why….
Sometimes the smallest things bring out the biggest smiles…;-)
Sometimes the tide turns in our favour we dunno why….
Sometimes we get all we wished for…..
U do a good deed and U are happy….
U help someone and U are happy….
U wish an old man and U are happy….
U wipe a tear and U are happy…..
U remember the old times and U are happy….
U remember your school days and U are happy…..
U fulfill someones wish and U are happy……
U love your parents and U are happy…..
U play with a kid and U are happy…..
U see the spark in his eyes and U are happy….
U give your heart out and U are happy…..
Play a prank ,
Get a new toy….
Receive a compliment….
Meet an old friend …..
Smell the ground after the rain….
Have a drink with friends to celebrate life….
Reach a goal…..
Visit a beautiful place…..
Play a musical instrument….
See a beautiful guy/gal…..
Receive a gift……
Know that someone still remembers you….
Know that there is someone who still cares for you….
Go out with friends….
Get all the freedom you need …..
WHEN U……..
Watch your favourite movie……
Listen to a song……
Read a book…..
Shake a leg…..
Sing a song…..
Hear a joke…..
Be naughty…..
Sing a song…..
Win a game……
Visit a religious place …..
Get unexpected good news…..
When you see the light at the end of the tunnel…….
When you know that all is not lost……
When you find a missing article…..
When you feel that U have it in you….
When you feel the power inside you….
When you see the silver lining in the cloud…..
When you tell yourself that everything is just fine…
When you say ALL IZZ WELL….
When you see His Hand in everything that happens to you…..
When you lend a helping hand…..
When you pat someones back……
When you encourage someone who is down and out…..
When you feel the passion in everything you do…..
When you feel lucky and blessed…….
When you acknowledge and Thank HiM for everything….
When you see the beauty of nature….the flowers and the birds….the rivers and the mountains….the waterfalls and the beaches…..
When you know that you are a part of this whole Universe and You are Unique..
When you know that God Loves you ….and there Is no one on this earth like you……
When you feel all the positive vibes…..see the good in others… small acts of kindness…..forgive others…..forget the bad things…..feel the beauty of nature and of every human being….and that God made us all ….and he wants to see us Happy and cheerful bubbling with enthusiasm…..with dreams in our eyes……….He wanted us to be like the flowers ….spreading our fragrance…….like the kids playing with the mud least concerned with whats happening around them……….
So lets promise ourselves today……..
Today I choose to be happy….
I will be happy and spread happiness…..
I will be cheerful…..
I will be bubbling with enthusiasm and creativity…..
I will not hold myself back…..
I will be passionate about whatever I do……
I will do one good deed a day…..
I will pray to Him like he is an old friend…..
I will be true to my friends and family…..
I will not break promises……
I will be happy……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….hahahahahahah hahah haaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahahahahahahahah hahah ahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
Hyderabad , 1700 hrs , April 8, 2010